As the tale would have it, the first noted wearer of high heels was Catherine de’ Medici when she married the Duke of Orleans in 1533. The heels were made in Florence for her wedding and, as a result, Italian high heels became the norm for ladies of the Duke’s court in France.
Well, there you have it. We have wedding style to thank for the fashioning of the high heel into society. It’s funny... Even after all this time, we’ve yet to master the female vs. stiletto relationship. If high heels had a personality, it would be a Jekyll and Hyde situation. One minute, they’re elongating your legs, boosting your bottom and forcing your hips forward so you can click down the sidewalk with a tall, profound confidence. The next, they’ve given birth to fire stones from their inner seams, burning you down one wobble at a time.
So, when it comes to your wedding day, the latter must be avoided at all cost. You want to be dancing all night, not limping and scrunching in pain. Here, we’ve rounded up a list of tips to help keep your pumps pain free.
First off, gel insoles feel amazing under the soles. By keeping the feet cushioned and in place, they prevent your toes from scrunching, which in return helps prevent blisters.
Forever Soles shoes have been designed with extra cushioning on the inside of the sole and have arch shaping that’s specifically designed for high heels. You can find lots more features and benefits of the shoes
here. If you still feel like you need that extra little bit of bounce, keeping a pack of gel cushions in your handbag would be a good solution to a long day and night in your shoes.
Another great drugstore/chemist find is moleskin. No, it’s not actually animal hide, but rather soft cotton flannel sheets of adhesive that you can cut and shape to your liking and then stick inside your shoe. If you have a spot that tends to blister easily, then pop some moleskin in that area. Unlike Band-Aids, moleskin shapes to your feet and wont start crawling up the back of your shoe after a few hours. Forever Soles shoes are made from soft natural fabrics and leathers. We always suggest wearing your shoes a couple of times to soften the leather before your big day.
Simply apply a transparent deodorant underneath parts of the shoe, such as straps or peep toe areas, to replace chafing with gentle gliding.
When you’re on the search for the perfect heel, go shopping later in the day. (Or, if you ordered a pair online, wait until the end of the day to start feeling them out.) Try shoes on when your feet are a little swollen so you’ll know what kind of wiggle room you’ll truly need.
We all have different comfort levels, so be sure to find a design that works for you! Heels with straps, ties or buckles over the ankle or top of the foot add an extra dose of control. Our
Daydreamer heels have been super popular because they have the lower heel and capture that free spirit, laid back bridal vibe. In terms of shape, slight platforms ease the distance your heels are elevated above the balls of your feet. Chunky heels, or simply wider-shaped heels, still offer that fabulous height, but take a bit of pressure off. For your toes, try a rounded frontal shape that allows your toes lay flat.
Sure, walking down the isle is slightly different than strutting around on a night out, but when heels are involved, the concept remains the same. Pay attention to posture. Keep your head and spine straight. Keep your steps light and bouncy. This will better balance your body weight, making it easier to find a flowing, graceful step.

This is a given, but still: once you find your perfect pair, wear them around the house and break them in.
Feeling overwhelmed? Don't worry! We have a selection of comfortable AND stylish bridal shoes with study block heels available for you online
Our low heels can be found
And, if heels make you nervous... you know you can always flat sandals or barefoot.