At Forever Soles we tend to focus a lot on the "barefoot bride". Whilst it may sound comfortable and dreamy in theory, the practicality of actually being barefoot can be a pretty scary situation if you haven't done the right preparation. Cracked, callused feet are not ideal for your wedding day or any day!
The night before your wedding, grab your bridesmaids, mother, sister and whomever else you want to share the special eve of your wedding with. Pop a bottle of champagne or make a pot of herbal tea and light some beautiful candles. If you have the right pedicure products it can be an easy experience and actually quite fun!
On the eve of your wedding, follow these steps for the perfect ultimate bridal pedicure:

STEP 1: Remove your old polish with a cotton ball dipped in nail polish remover and then rinse your feet with the soapy water and dry with a towel.
STEP 2: Fill a bath or a few bowls with warm water and soak for as long as you have time for. Wrap up in fresh towels or cute robes. Enjoy your drink, some delicious snacks and play some of your favourite tunes. Add some of your favourite bath salts, bath bombs, bubbles or bath milk to add that little extra bit of luxury to your experience. We love epsom salts for relaxing the muscles. You can mix these with a few drops of lavender. Add rose petals or any flowers that make you happy. The scent of a rose is heavenly and will get you excited for your special day as a bride.

STEP 3. Once your feet feel soaked, it's time to use a pumice stone and exfoliate your skin. You can also add a nice exfoliating cream. if you want something natural coffee beans or raw sugar is divine for this. Pay extra attention to any calluses and rough skin. You can pick a good pumice stone up from your local beauty store.
STEP 4. Hop out of the water, dry your feet with a towel, then using clippers and a nail file gently begin shaping your toe nails.
Apply a moisturising foot cream and kick back for a little while to let everything soak in. (Try and hustle a foot massage from your bridesmaid).
STEP 6. When approximately 30 minutes has passed, wipe away any excess moisture, and place cotton balls (or a rubber toe divider) between your toes to keep them separated.
STEP 7. Apply your base coat and let it dry for a minute or two.
Check out Sienna Byron Bay for non-toxic nail polish that we adore and hugely recommend. Our fav nail colours for the wedding day are: Peace and Ambrosia.
STEP 8. Follow with two coats of colour and finish with a topcoat. When you are painting, you need to get a good drop of paint on your brush, hold it carefully at the very base of your nail and paint in confident strokes to the tip of your nail. If you get a bit on your skin, don't worry. You can use nail polish remover to get this off when the paint starts to dry a little.
Hot tip #1: To help your nails (and also your skin and hair) grow beautiful and healthy in the lead up to your wedding,
Silica is a great product. It is a natural supplement that promotes beauty 'from the inside out'.

Hot tip #2: A couple of days prior to your wedding start applying a rich foot balm to your feet and put socks on before you go to bed. This will make your feet as soft as a baby's bottom! Your fiancé may find it a bit kooky, but it works like a charm. You can actually even buy pedicure socks!
When you’re all finished, stay off your feet for at least 15-20 minutes. Enjoy another glass of champagne (or herbal tea) and then you’ll be good to go!
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